Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and firends of Jake Valek, who was killed in a car accident on August 11. Jake always had a big smile on his face, was very quick to make friends and was just the kind of kid that people enjoyed having around. He was an excellent athlete, and a fine student. You'd be hard pressed to find someone at school who wasn't touched by a charismatic kid like Jake. He will be missed.
Jake was a great kid and it's to bad that we only got a year at RCHS to get to know him. He will be missed but never forgotten!
Yes, Jake was a great kid and even though he was only at RCHS for one year - he touched all our lives. Jake was much loved and will be missed. All our thoughts and prayers are with Jake's family.
He was such a happy guy. No matter if he was feeling sad or mad he always had a smile on his face.
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