Republic County JH football defeats Superior 20-12. Derek Vanous 2 rushing TD, 1 Recieving, 1 PAT run
Republic County JH volleyball went 2-1 vs Superior (A team lost 25-19, 24-26, 15-25) (B team won 25-19, 20-25, 15-13) (C team won 25-17, 25-13)
Team scores
Wamego 37, Clay Center 48, Minneapolis 112, Smoky Valley 141, Concordia 142, Sacred Heart 154, Southeast of Saline 163, Riley County 179, Marysville 251, Abilene 252.
Team scores
Wamego 67, Concordia 88, Minneapolis 93, Riley County 102, Sacred Heart 102, Clay Center 113, Southeast of Saline 128, Smoky Valley 198, Abilene 242.
Top 10 individuals
1. Nelson, CC, 15:59; 2. Monzon, C, 16:25; 3. Balderston, SH, 16:28; 4. Ruggle, RC, 16:30; 5. Trahan, Mi, 16:31; 6. Roberts, W, 16:33; 7. Thibault, SH, 16:34; 8. Giles, Mi, 16:39; 9. Sweet, W, 16:40; 10. Lambert, C, 16:41.
Hoisington 442, Concordia 448, Larned 457.
Top 10 individuals
1. Ptacek, Russell, 94; 2. Marlin, Sublette, 97; 3. Walker, R, 98; 4. Baumann, C, 101; 5. Seeman, L, 102; 6. Cooper, H, 104; 7. Axman, H, 111; 8. Nickelson, H, 111; 9. Evans, C, 111; 10. Plante, R, 114.
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