Pee Wee District Baseball

Just got the First Round schedule for the Belleville Pee Wee district games in Linn next week (july 13-16)

Monday: Spurney Hawks vs Washington 8:30pm
Tuesday: Lions vs Washington 7:00pm

Best of luck to both teams! Any pictures would be great, shoot me an email at

Next verse, same as the first...

The Republic County lady Buffs just wrapped up another successfull summer of basketball, winning the Clay Center summer league. Pictured are, back row, left to right, Coach Randy Thayer, Lydia Jones, Hunter Duensing, Lacie Shoemaker, Michelle Cottenmyre. Front row, Courtney Kasl, Jacie Jackson and Erica Hadachek. Not pictured are Celsey Beneda, and Kelsie Keefer.

Also congrats to the JV squad, who finished second. Great job ladies! any other pics can be sent to

Summer Volleyball

Congrats to the Republic County volleyball teams, both varsity and JV, who recently completed perfect seasons in the Washington Co. summer league. The varsity went 10-0, while the JV posted a record of 5-0. Can't wait for fall!