Thanks ...

... to the players and coaches who put forth their very best effort every night.

... to the students, band, fans, and parents who yelled their lungs out in support of the team.

... to Tim Garman, who kept me awake during long road trips (execpt that one time he slept in the back), for his stat keeping , and most of all his witty comments that just make you scratch your head, or laugh hysterically (I may never recover from, "the defense was on that ball like ducks on a June bug...")

... to Deb and Christine, who have to put up with listening to me rattle off stats and numbers from every game I've ever broadcasted (It'll be 275 broadcasts at the State Track meet this May.)

... to Angie, who put up with me being gone on the road to games, at home to games, and being everywhere else to games.

... to everyone who has told me and Tim that we've done a good job, even if we were on air when you said it...

This a been a great year so far. Here's to the spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great coverage. Your work made it possible for the family members who couldn't make the games to feel like they were right there with the boys too. You guys did a fantastic job and it is appreciated. A Buffalo Mom